SMU MADI Information Sessions
    Supported by Lyle School of Engineering and Meadows School of the Arts

    Join us at one of our several online info sessions to learn more about the Master of Arts in Design and Innovation (MADI) graduate program. This program is supported by both the Lyle School of Engineering and the Meadows School of the Arts at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and teaches the Human-Centered Design process in an applied and experiential format. 

    During the info session the MADI Director and other faculty members and students will go through what can be expected from the program including an overview classes, schedules, events, tuition and fees, and other program details. The info session provides specific information with plenty of time for Q&A for anything else that might come up! We’re excited to get to know you and to tell you more about what we offer through the MADI program. | 214.768.1386


    The Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies